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Sense Line Gen X


With Sense Line Gen X, LUMITECH is offering a new linear range of luminaires for all applications in refrigerated and dry shelves.

Sense Line Gen X is tailor-made for customers and their individual requirements, both in terms of length and light colour and with regard to customer-specific basic luminous intensities. The objective is always a perfect illumination of goods on site. In addition, the new Sense Line generation also features excellent colour consistency and very high colour rendering. The compact, stable design with perfect thermal management, the effective protection against dust and splash water as well as the safe and simple cabling via plug & play are further advantages benefiting retailers.

The main applications of these compact, space-saving luminaires include canopy lighting with asymmetrical radiation, single-beam shelf lighting with symmetrical 120° radiation, “invisible” door lighting with symmetrical 180° radiation to the left and right as well as counter lighting (symmetrical, 120°) and handrail lighting, which from a single luminaire perfectly sets the stage for the goods behind the glass front of the island as well as the goods inside the island. Another brand new addition is the Twin Beam shelf luminaire, which is mounted in front of the shelf and illuminates the goods at the top and bottom. In all its variants, the optically almost imperceptible Sense Line Gen X impresses with a homogeneous light image and glare-free, targeted and therefore efficient illumination of the goods.

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